- to assist current juniors who wish to change teams;
- to assist juniors who may have played before and would like to return;
- to assist juniors new to basketball who would like to join a team.
Whilst the Club will do everything possible to place juniors in teams, please bear in mind that our ability to do this is dependent on numbers for new teams and vacancies within existing teams. The earlier a junior registers on this system, the greater the chance we have to place them in a team – the system is open all year.
As volunteers, we rely on the cooperation and collaboration of all involved in forming teams, placing new players and finding players to fill vacancies. The information is used as a database to assist with forming new younger teams, but also to assist players changing teams and new children looking to start playing. It is imperative that Team Managers assist with this process and we ask your assistance in responding to emails about vacancies and opportunities within your team.
Uniform orders can be made any time throughout the year, however, if you want to receive your new uniform by the start of the season, please allow 6 weeks manufacturing and delivery time.
Uniforms come as a set including jersey and shorts. You can mix and match sizes for each item. We do not print names on the jerseys.
Any queries about uniforms can be directed to the email